Tag Archive for: dating apps

How To Flirt & Improv Games


Today, on my second episode in the Summer Love Series, I share 5 fun exercises that can improve your flirting game instantly.

If you followed my first TV series, #BlackLove, you might remember that I used improv techniques to teach the women how to flirt. Here’s a peek:

Flirting Coaching with Damona from Damona on Vimeo.

The show just showed the highlights, but on Dates & Mates today, you get the full experience of what a flirting coaching session with me is like.

For today’s demo I’m joined by two experienced improvisers Marquis Olison & Nicky Urban (whose improv group was just on America’s Got Talent last week.) With me, they demonstrate how improv can make flirting fun. I know it sounds CRAZY but I promise if you listen and try out some of the exercises, you flirt game will never be the same.

Here’s the rundown:

Why improv? (2:30)

How men can impress women in today’s world (5:30)

Yes, And (9:00)

What you can learn from Yes, And & How to replicate (12:00)

How to build energy on a date (13:30)

Accepting someone’s reality (17:00)

Mirroring & How to tell if someone is intelligent (18:30)

Embrace The Weird (23:00)


Missing this week’s headlines?  

Damona’s got you! Watch for Damona’s IGTV today for this week’s headlines on: All of the Hollywood Heartbreak this week (spoiler alert: lots of Hollywood exes made headlines), learning your dating app score, and how to stand out on dates in big cities. 


Dear Damona: Beyoncé & The 35 Year Old Virgin

Giving you a little extra LOVE this week!

Today we’re back with another BONUS Dear Damona episode! Last week, I received a few questions from people who are feeling a little extra unlucky in dating, so I dedicated an entire episode to giving the Dates & Mates community a little extra love. 

If you’re a 35 Year Old Virgin, will men think there’s something wrong with you? (1:00)

If you’re openly dating a girl and she sees you on another date, is it awkward? (6:30)

If your man doesn’t like Beyoncé, should you drop him or educate him? (9:50)

How do I start dating when people don’t even give me a chance? (13:15)

Let me know if you like this “Dear Damona” Q & A style episode in the reviews!


Meet Cute & Instagram for Dating


We talk a lot about how much dating has changed since Damona began her career as a dating coach. Who remembers when online dating was brand new?

Even we couldn’t have predicted the changes that the dating technology ecosystem has seen even in the last year. We want you to be as prepared as possible for upcoming trends so you can stay ahead of the dating game.

This week, Damona talks about the future of modern love with the people who make decisions in the dating app landscape. This short format episode features an in-depth interview with Geoff Cook, CEO and co-founder of The Meet Group, and Evin Rose, Millennial Love Life & Dating Coach, on dating app trends to look out for. Here’s the rundown:


Your Next Dating App: Instagram

Honey Australia reports that singles who use the hashtags  #strongandsingle and #happilysingle might get a few extra DMs from potential dates. Should you mix Instagram and dating? Damona and Evin Rose have thoughts.


If you aren’t familiar with the Meet Group, they are responsible for a lot of cutting edge dating apps that are popular worldwide, like MeetMe, Lovoo, Skout, and so many others. As an expert entrepreneur, business strategist, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award Winner for the Philadelphia Region, Geoff Cook is the man to give us the facts on the business and trends involved with the dating app tech landscape.

Lately, we have noticed that there is a trend to mix dating with other aspects of your online persona. Listeners often ask: Should you integrate your social media into your dating profile?

For Evin Rose this seems like a no brainer. “When we get someone’s last name, we immediately go look them up anyway on social media to try and get a sense of who they are,” she says. “I think there really is something to finding other ways to connect with people virtually.”

It does seem like a complete no brainer. But why are some having such a hard time blurring these lines?

Geoff has a really good explanation. “People like to express different aspects of their identities via the brands they use.” he says. You might share your workplace version of yourself on Linkedin, and your family friendly version of yourself on Facebook, but your dating persona – the most extroverted and fun version of yourself- is reserved for your dating apps usually.

“That’s partially why it’s strange to be hit up on Facebook or a network where most of your interactions are not for that,” he says. “I think it’s tough to walk that privacy line.”

There is absolutely something to be said for protecting your social media from your dating life. HOWEVER, if we just shut down these new possibilities entirely, we might miss a good opportunity to find love.

So maybe next time someone slides into those DMs, see where it goes and let us know!

We talk about sooo much more on this episode about future trends in dating including:

  • Is live streaming the key to finding your next match?
  • Integrating human connection back into online dating
  • Is this match a real human?: Sorting through multiple realities on dating apps
  • Podcasts: The new predictors for compatibility?
  • And so much more!


There are millions of people on dating apps worldwide. If you’re not finding love there, your profile may be the problem. Use Damona’s FREE guide to creating the ultimate MAGNETIC online dating profile. Get the Profile Starter Kit at profilestarterkit.com


Women’s History Month & Refridgerdating


As a dating coach for 13 years, Damona has seen shifts in dating trends and watched as women become more empowered in their dating lives. How do these things impact women’s dating destiny? Internationally renowned matchmaker and TV personality Carmelia Ray returns to co-host this episode with lots of insight on how women and men relate to each other in 2019. Here’s the rundown:


The surprising reason ARod’s relationship with JLO is a lot of pressure

HUGE Congrats to JLO and AROD who announced this month that they are engaged! Shortly after the engagement, ARod revealed why a relationship with JLo is a lot of pressure for him. Damona and Carmelia break it down.

New Trend Alert: Honeymoon Edition

This just in! Ditch your new spouse and go on the honeymoon of your dreams BY YOURSELF! Damona and Carmelia are not here for this new trend and they explain why.

Meet Your New Matchmaker: Your Fridge

Predicted right here on Dates & Mates! Refridgerdating has just launched allowing you to see into your match’s fridge before you decide to make a move. Damona and Carmelia have thoughts.


In honor of Women’s History Month, Damona sits down with Robert Kandell, interpersonal communication expert who helps women and men relate to each other better in the #MeToo Era. We talked about A LOT:

  • Shifts in acceptable dating behavior for women & men
  • Dating Patterns
  • Dating in big cities vs dating elsewhere
  • Do women need men anymore?
  • FOMO and Investing in relationships
  • Women have a higher earning potential and don’t have to settle!
  • “Men are acting more like boys, and women are acting more like men.” – Robert Kandell
  • And so much more!

If you liked this interview Damona has some supplemental material for you! Don’t miss Damona’s Communication Master Class and her interview with The Angry Therapist on Male EQ


Submit your questions Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and hear our answers live on the show! Here’s what our listeners asked about this week:

  • Why are women choosing to stay single for longer?
  • What is the best way to date if you have decided to ditch dating apps?


Damona always says that working out has greatly improved her relationship with her body. Begin a program with Beach Body on demand! Just go to DatesandMates.com and click the Beach Body Banner to get started.

Cuffing Season & Swipe With Spirit


If you’re looking to cuddle up with a new boo this fall, we have tips to make that relationship last through Valentine’s Day and beyond. Dominique Clark – Relationship Guru, Author, and Media Personality – joins today’s episode and gives us tips on how to find a quality match in these colder months. Here’s the rundown:


The best way to find out what your ex thinks of you

Katie Miller, a 21 year old college student, went viral this week with the exit survey she sends to all of her dates. Would you send something like this to your dates? This isn’t our style, but it definitely gets the job done.


Surprising secret to a happy relationship from Kaley Cuoco

The Big Bang Theory’s Kaley Cuoco stresses the importance of independence in her relationship in this month’s interview with Women’s Health. However, some of her advice may go a little too far. Damona has thoughts.

Sneaters Beware: we’re on to you

Have you ever gone on a date just for the free meal? MetroUK gives us the term for this: Sneating. When is sneating okay and how can you avoid sneaters? Damona and Producer Leah discuss.

#LevelUp (14:17)

The #LevelUpChallenge lives on! Ciara’s summer hit applies to your cuff game, too, ladies and gents. Damona and Dominique break down how you can level up this cuffing season on today’s episode. We talked about a lot:

  • Cuffing Season & Cuffing Buddies
  • Are men looking to be cuffed?
  • Being Single during the holidays
  • Our biology and human connection
  • Snack Relationships
  • Level Up and find a Quality Match
  • How to empower yourself to find a match
  • Perfection and Honesty
  • Getting to know someone and when to share
  • Texting
  • Long Distance Relationships & Making Plans

Dominique raises some really great points about perfection and honesty in this chat. Here is one of the many moments that we loved in this talk with Dominique:


Submit your questions Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and hear our answers live on the show! Here’s what our listeners asked about this week:

  • Is it normal to have commitment issues?
  • When should you post pics of your partner on social media?
  • On what date should you have sex?


Damona has an important announcement! Listen for Damona’s new dating app method that is guaranteed to guide you towards the deepest love of your life.

Join the database or get advice from Dominique on her Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter at DominiqueClark.com

Become a part of the Dates & Mates community at DatesandMates.com by picking your free ecourse – The Texting 10 Commandments (singles) or The 7-Day Relationship Bootcamp (couples).

Try Beach Body on Demand for free for 14-days by clicking the banner at DatesandMates.com

Gender Identity & Astrology of Love


Carol Allen, from Love Is In the Stars, co-hosts this week’s episode. Carol is an astrologer who steers the love lives of many women based on what is written in the stars. Today on the show, she gives us a fantastic fall love forecast and joins us to talk about gender and sexuality because she has a personal connection to this topic through a close transgender family member who she’s supported through his transition. Together with our guest panel, Damona and Carol unpack what your dating life can learn from the experiences of those who have a different sexual orientation or gender identity than you do.


Why are divorce rates going down?

Thanks millennials! According to Time, a recent study shows that divorce rates dropped 18% from 2008 to 2016 and this is due mostly to the lower divorce rates among millennials. Is it really all that surprising that millennials are divorcing less than generations before them? We don’t think so.

What can you learn from Gen Z daters

According to a study done by the dating app Zoosk, there are a number things that Gen Z does right when it comes to dating. Gen Zers are the least picky daters and swipe right on 33% of the matches they are presented with. How can this help you and what else can you learn from this study? We have answers.

Your childhood faves have a new relationship status!

It’s been a few weeks since former Sesame Street writer, Mark Saltzman, confirmed that Bert and Ernie are indeed a gay couple. The official Sesame Workshop says differently, however. Does it matter whether Bert and Ernie are gay? Does representation matter – even in kids programming? Or are we taking the puppet relationship dynamic too far? The discussion heats up this week.


Sexuality and Gender Identity: Are they fixed or fluid? How do you know if the way you’ve been living or dating might be limiting your possibility of finding true love and happiness? We sat down with Jasmine Luna and Harry Caldwell to learn more about their experience.

Jasmine Luna is your average queer, transgender, latinx witch. She is a strong advocate for her queer community, which includes work at the Trevor Project and the Los Angeles LGBT Center.

Harry Caldwell is a Jewelry Designer, Yoga Instructor, and Tantra Instructor. He has identified as Pansexual for the last 15+ years and feels compelled to share his knowledge of the energy of love with everyone he encounters in order to reduce the amount of suffering in the world.

We talked about A LOT:

  • Pansexuality, Omnisexuality, Bisexuality, Transexuality
  • Transitioning
  • What it’s like Transitioning within a relationship
  • Pronouns & Identity
  • Mixed Raced Identity & Sexuality
  • Tantra & Unifying the Masculine and Feminine Energies within us
  • Dating in Los Angeles versus other cities
  • How to maintain outgoing mentality towards dating apps
  • Hookup Culture and Pansexuality
  • Making Love & Deep Intimate Connection
  • The Trevor Project
  • Panty Hose
  • Chickens



Submit your questions Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and hear our answers live on the show! Here’s what our listeners asked about this week:

  • Is it normal to be dating multiple people online?
  • How can you tell if they’re busy or blowing you off?


Carol Allen gives us the scoop on what the upcoming #VenusRetrograde means for your love life.

Get Carol’s compatibility report half off HERE using the offer code HALFOFF.

Join Damona’s community for free by taking your free e-course at DatesandMates.com

Follow Harry @CaldwellCrafted on IG

Follow Jasmine on IG @the_witchy_wonder and read her adventures jasmineseclipse.blogspot.com

Get your psychic reading from AskNow.com toll free at 877-626-1034

What Women Want & Seeking Arrangement

Are you confused about what women want?

Evin Rose, dating and love life transformation coach for millennial women, co-hosts this week’s episode of Dates & Mates. Last week, we dove deep into the mind of men and figured out what the guys are really thinking. Now it’s the ladies’ turn! Today Damona and Evin sit down with a panel of single women to figure out what women really want. Here’s the rundown:


Why is it so hard to turn a Tinder date into a relationship?

Research from Michigan State University indicates that couples who meet online are 28% more likely to split up within a year. What makes these relationships different? What expectations should we have for Tinder dates? Damona and Evin discuss.

Put your best foot forward

Picking a first date outfit can be a lot of pressure. This week, MamaM!a published a few suggestions for your first date outfit. Damona and Evin give you some suggestions on how to show off your personality.

Are sugar babies bad for feminism?

SeekingArrangement now has over 3 million users worldwide and the numbers are growing. The average Sugar Baby is 25 and makes about 2800 a month from her Daddies. What are the biggest misconceptions about Sugar Baby and Sugar Daddy/Mommy relationships? Are these relationships actually empowering for Sugar Babies? Damona and Evin have thoughts.



Last week, the men told us what really goes on in their head. This week, the ladies got a turn. Today we sat down with Rebecca Bernard and Nelly Dennis to get some answers on what women really want. Here’s what we covered:

  • Men on dating apps & the riffraffery
  • The worst DMs
  • Do you right swipe when you see someone you know?
  • What do you do when married men proposition you?
  • Pick Up Lines
  • Courtship & Chivalry
  • Should women make the first move?
  • Who pays on the first date?

You know the drill, fellas. They’re single, ready to mingle, and open for DMs. (Please, no dick pics, thanks.)



Submit your questions Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and hear our answers live on the show! Here are the topics we answered this week:

  • Should you tell your dates that you’re seeing other people?
  • How do you ask your partner for a threesome?
  • How to get over anxiety over asking women out.


This week we remember Mac Miller and send condolences to his family, friends, and Ariana Grande. Today on Damona’s diatribe, Damona has a message for those who are in relationships with a person struggling with addiction.

Try FabFitFun.com and get $10 off your first box with the code DatesandMates

Join Damona’s Community of Love by choosing your free e-course at DatesandMates.com and you’ll get access to the exclusive group coaching calls for Dates & Mates listeners.

Follow Damona on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook

Follow Evin Rose on Instagram @EvinRose, join her FREE Empowered Dating Community on @EmpoweredDatingwithEvinRos or visit her site evinrosecoaching.com

Find Rebecca and Nelly on Instagram – DMs from smart, serious guys only – haha!


Marriage Secrets & Out of Your League

On this episode, storyteller Shannon Cason (Homemade Stories & WBEZ Chicago’s The Trouble with Shannon Cason) joins with his wife Cindy to share the secrets that almost tore their marriage apart and how they’ve weathered the relationship storms. Plus, Relationship Scientist Ryeal Simms handles the headlines with Damona including how dating apps can score you a job, the impact of working from home on your relationship, and Iggy Azalea’s whiplash dating week. Questions from listeners include how long your engagement should last and how to get a guy who is out of your league.


Can dating apps help you land a job?

Many millennials are turning to dating apps to find a job these days, with it not being too uncommon for freelancers to get hired after two dates, or at least recommended. And honestly, why not! As long as you’re transparent that you’re looking for professional connections, it seems like an interesting way to boost your chances of finding work. You can read more via ABC News here.

Checking emails after work harms a relationship

We all have some anxiety, but even opening up an email to glance at after work can create the sense of “work without boundaries” and increase our stress tenfold. This can effect partners, children, and friends as they see the psychological effects of never “turning off.” You can read more via the Independent here.

Iggy Azalea’s whirlwind week

Last week Iggy Azalea confirmed she was dating Texans wide receive DeAndre Hopkins, only to Tweet out she was single again the next day. Both seemed a little affected, Azalea sharing Tweets about how she’ll always be single and Hopkins getting into a fight in his game the next day, but Azalea is already rumored to have been spotted with Tyga. You can read more via USA today here.


We pull the best questions posted on The Textpert App and those emailed to Damona, including:

  • The appropriate length of time to wait to get married
  • What to do if your child finds a sex toy in your room

And more . . .


Damona got a little serious on this week’s diatribe, but she’s been seeing a lot of people putting all of their emotional weight behind relationships lately, so much so that they saying they want to die when a relationship ends. She took to the mic to give some words of encouragement and offer resources for those who are truly depressed.

Follow Cindy Cason @JacindaCason

Follow Shannon Cason @ShannonCason and check out the podcasts Homemade Stories and The Trouble with Shannon Cason.

Visit AdamandEve.com and use the promo code GIFT21 for free gifts and free shipping.

Get on our mailing list and claim your free dating or relationship e-course at DatesandMates.com

Find more from Ryeal Simms at RelationshipScientistRyeal.com

If you or anyone you know is facing feelings of suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255

To get your question answered on a future show, download the Textpert App, email Damona or leave us a voicemail at 424-246-6255

Love Addiction & Dating Intuition

Our guest co-host this week was psychotherapist and life coach Sherry Gaba. She joined us to talk about her latest book, in addition to giving us tips on how to kick an addiction to love.



Dating lowers self-esteem and increases depressions

In addition to the scientific fact that rejection stimulates the part of the brain that processes physical pain, online dating can also affect how we see ourselves. A recent study shows that individuals who use dating apps have lower self-esteem than those who don’t. Coupled with the fact that one in six participants admitted to being addicted to finding a date, 97% of men saying as much, and that 54% of women feel burned out by the whole thing, online dating and mental health may not be the best of friends. You can read more via CNN here.

Millennial couples are in no hurry to get hitched

If they millennial couples make it to the altar at all, they’re taking their sweet time! Nowadays it’s not uncommon to spend the better part of a decade dating before tying the knot, with the average time between 25-34-year-olds now at 6.5 years. The median age for men is now 29.5, with 27.4 for women. You can read more via Straits Times here.

Hip hop royalty dating rumors

Eminem and Nicki Minaj are looking like they may be an item, with a flirty Instagram comment making reference to the coupling, in addition to Em asking audiences at recent concerts how they’d feel about it. They’ve paired together in the studio before, do you think they can be a match in real life? You can read more via FOX News here.


We pull the best questions posted on The Textpert App and those emailed to Damona, including:

  • What to do if your dating pool has shrunk after 50
  • What to do if you find compromising photos on your husband’s phone
  • How to react if you find out your boyfriend was abusive to an ex

And many more . . .


Every once in awhile Damona gets a little riled up, and this week she saw fit to square up and face complainers head on.

Take the love addiction quiz at SherryGaba.com

Get 30 Days free to try Beachbody On Demand. Click the link from DatesandMates.com

Beyond Betrayal & Sex Addiction

Our guest co-host this week was Dr. Kevin Skinner. Dr. Skinner is a licensed marriage and family therapist who is the co-founder of Addo Recovery, a clinic specializing in recovery from sexual addiction and betrayal trauma. He’s also the co-founder of Bloom, an online company for women struggling with the latter. We spoke with him about infidelity, relationship worry, sexual expectations, and much more.


Elite dating apps threaten America’s wage gap

Elite dating apps are part of an old-school philosophy that believes courtship is partly an economic exercise and could be further driving a wedge between classes. Many of these apps favor those with college degrees, especially from elite institutions, but education-based matching moves in lockstep with inequality. You can read more via Bloomberg here.

John Cena and Nikki Bella break up

WWE star John Cena and Divas champion Nikki Bella have ended their six-year relationship and broken off their impending engagement. They were supposed to be married May 5th, but recent interviews suggested they may have been having problems. You can read more via Bleacher Report here.

The worst fashion mistake you can make on a date

The stats are in and 76% of millennials believe it’s important to dress up for a date. But be careful: 66% of singles don’t have any time for wrinkled clothes, with socks and sandals a close second. You can read more via Hello Giggles here.


We pull the best questions posted on The Textpert App, including:

  • How to stay happy in a long distance relationship
  • What to do if your boyfriend got another girl pregnant
  • How to handle a recycled engagement ring

And many more . . .


Damona explores the Ancient Egyptian Ring of Infinity and how it led to today’s modern understanding of the wedding ring.

Married at First Sight & Relationship Rituals

Our guest co-host this week was Rhonda Richards-Smith. Rhonda is an award-winning psychotherapist and relationship expert whose advice has been featured everywhere from the Huffington Post to Teen Vogue to US Weekly. But that’s not all! We also had a very special appearance from Pastor Calvin of the reality show Married at First Sight.


Duke looks to change its dating policy

Up until now, Duke University has given its blessing to relationship between students and teachers as long as the student is not currently enrolled in the professor’s class, working on a research project with them, or being mentored by them. However, it’s a sign of the times that the Academic Council is now looking to shake things up. You can read more via Herald Sun here.

Which Olympic athletes are hooking up the most?

Bumble is proving popular at this year’s Olympic games, and the details are in regarding who is taking advantage of the event for a different kind of physical activity. Which sport has the athletes that are getting it on the most? You can find out via TMZ here.

Amy Schumer ties the knot

Schumer’s only been dating chef Chris Fischer for a few months, but they recently made things official in a small ceremony in Malibu this past weekend. It was a low-key event with only around 80 in attendance, but the couple seem happy and we wish them all the best. You can read more via Huffington Post here.


We pull the best questions posted on The Textpert App and BlackPeopleMeet.com, including:

  • How to handle a husband liking some old flame’s posts on social media
  • What to do when your best friend is dating your ex
  • What to do if you’re depressed over a breakup

And many more . . .

Long-Term Love & Super Bowl Swiping

Our guest co-hosts this week were Lee and Mimi Hoffman, Damona’s beloved in-laws. They joined us to share their love story and give dating advice to the next generation.


The Stats on Super Bowl Swiping

During the Big Game, dating apps see an increase in use, whether you’re in the town where the Super Bowl’s occurring or just scrolling through your phone while the game is on. In the days leading up to the Super Bowl, some apps report increases as high as 50%, with a 60% increase in message responses. Spruce up your profile, maybe get a sports-themed bio in there, and read more about it via Elite Daily here.

Lady Gaga’s Secret Lover

The recent Grammy’s had us wondering just who, exactly, Lady Gaga is shacked up with. Turns out she got engaged to boyfriend Christian Carino last November. Her manager over at CAA who’s so into her he got a tattoo of her face, we wish her all the best in love. You can read more via Romper here.

Dane Cook’s Dating a 19-Year-Old

We generally think age is just a number, but comedian Dane Cook is dating a 19-year-old despite the fact he’s a whopping 26 years older than her. What do you think, is over a quarter of a century a little too much of an age gap? You can read more via People here.

Match.com’s Singles in America Survey

We got the exclusive scoop on Match.com’s annual Singles in America survey just hours after it dropped. Each year, Match.com publishes an extensive study on dating trends they’ve analyzed, and we highly recommend everyone checks it out. You can find it right here.


We pull the best questions posted on The Textpert App and BlackPeopleMeet.com, including:

  • How to be more confident with your body image
  • What to do if the person you’re interested in just wants to be friends
  • How to tell a partner you’re not ready to move across the country with them

And many more . . .


Get 1 week free at BlackPeopleMeet.com/datesandmates

Download your free dating or relationship course at damonahoffman.com