Offline Dating & Adults Date Better
Today we’re addressing one of the most common questions from people who are frustrated with dating apps – how can you meet someone offline today?
Yes, it’s still possible.
Camille Virginia, author of The OFFline Dating Method: 3 Steps to Attract Your Perfect Partner in the Real World, joins Damona to an overview of her method.
But first, have you heard about Damona’s new Coaching Program?
Today, Damona launches the new and improved 10-week version of my most popular group coaching program. If you are ready to level up your love life, you could be the perfect fit for the Dating Accelerator Program. You can find out more about The Dating Accelerator at
If you are a single person who:
- needs a mind, body, and spiritual reset on dating
- Who wants to get serious about finding a life partner
- Who thrives in a group environment with supportive like-minded people
- If you are feeling isolated coming out of the pandemic and are looking to connect
OR feel that in the next 3-6 months finding a relationship is or will be the #1 or #2 priority for you
Then you are invited to accelerate your love life to get to that point.
Early bird enrollment at a deeply discounted special rate is available until August 31st only at
One quality that makes you SUPER SEXY
A new study published in the Journal of Personality and Individual Differences points out that those who are more willing to try new foods increases one’s sexual desirability.
Survey responses show that people who have an adventurous palate are perceived as:
- more sexual
- more likely to have had a great number of past romantic partners
- more willing to partake in uncommitted sexual partnership
- less likely to feel “disgusted” by sex (and therefore, more unrestricted in the bedroom).
But although being adventurous around food gets you dating props, participants did not have the same reaction to those who were willing to try other new things like books and music. Food for thought.
Here’s Damona’s takeaway: Does “willingness to try new foods” seem like a must-have quality to you? Because it may just be one of many micro-choices actually blocking you from finding love.
How clear are you on your goals, values, and choices? And how clear are you on which qualities matter in your ideal partner?
Damona always starts her Dating Accelerator clients on Mindset.
If you have ultimate clarity from the start of your dating process about what your core needs are in a partner, the dating process is much simpler.
Will Match put an end to ghosting once and for all?
A new update in the Match dating app will now give nudges to users whenever a chat stalls to either continue the conversation or unmatch from the person. When someone selects unmatch, the app will send a polite message to the other user. Beyond this, Match will also release “Matched By Us,” a once-a-week match where both users can see each other and don’t need to await mutual “likes.”
Camille Virginia is an award-winning writer, founder of Master Offline Dating, and author of the best-selling book The Offline Dating Method – her 3-step process to help singles ditch the dating apps and attract a great partner in the real world. After overcoming her own social anxiety, Camille is now dedicated to helping others create a less lonely, more meaningful life. She has subscribers from over 100 countries and has been featured in major media outlets including The Atlantic, the BBC, and USA Today. She’s here to share her secrets on Dates and Mates today!
(14:01) Camille’s backstory, being an introvert and loving connection: Camille talks about how she fell into her dating career, and how she overcame her introverted nature through her love of connecting with people.
(19:21) What is magnetic approachability?: Camille talks about the first step in her Offline Dating Method – cultivating approachability. As she defines it, approachability is being comfortable in your own skin; because when we are comfortable with ourselves, we make other people feel comfortable to approach us.
(23:57) Creating effortless engagement: How do we make connecting with others more effortless and less stressful for ourselves? When we let go of expecting any specific outcome, we are able to ask more genuine questions that we actually want to know the answers to. Keep conversations casual and contextual. And think about how you can trade stories with someone, not just answers.
(35:00) How do we navigate feeling confident and connecting with others IRL?: We all have an innate need for human connection, so define what feels comfortable for you and explore the balance between online and in-person interaction. And once you figure out what your comfort zone is, push it a little bit and prove your fear wrong.
Preorder Camille’s book here!
Submit your questions on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and hear our answers live on the show! Here’s what our listeners asked about this week:
- Instagram Message from S – I’m a single mom and have a 3 year old son. I think my son’s pediatrician has been flirting with me – not in a creepy way – he’s just attractive, kind, and sincere. Recently, I found out that he will be leaving the practice. I did some snooping on the internet and found out we have a lot of things in common. I really want to get to know him. What do you think?
- Email from J – I decided to get back out there this summer after the long year of isolation. After getting on the apps, my second match and I hit it off, in a major way. Then… just like it began, it was over in an instant. For all us lovelorn folks who are hurting after putting ourselves back out there, what’s your advice for picking up the pieces and moving on?