Tag Archive for: leonardo dicaprio

Sexperts & Date Expectations

Our guest co-hosts this week were Tyomi Morgan-Najieb and Naim Najieb. Tyomi and Naim are life partners that work together to help couples with sex and love. Tyomi is an International Pleasure Coach and sexpert that aims to represent people of color in mainstream sexuality. Meanwhile, Naim is a love educator, entrepreneur, and author of the book Love Is Not a Game: A Manual for Loving Relationships.



Dating app uses a team of moms to help its users with love

The dating app Inner Circle allows its users to get advice from a customer support team consisting of six moms, all of whom are married with children and believe that they’ve “conquered the dating game.” Users must be vetted by the team after analyzing social media profiles, but once you’re in, the moms will console you after breakups, give personalized tips on how to get more responses, and much more. You can read more via Mashable here.

Can you pick a partner based on voice?

A new app, Waving, has you swipe left and right based on a voice message. Men with lower voices and women with higher voices are typically found more attractive, but experts say that varying the tone of your voice is the most important. Nevertheless, some are skeptical that you can find love without an initial visual element. You can read more via Independent here.

Posture affects your results on dating apps

According to a Princeton study, expansive posture increases your success on dating apps. These kinds of stances suggest dominance and openness, which are seen as attractive. So for an easy boost in results, unfold those arms! You can read more via Independent here.

Vanessa Trump’s dating past

Vanessa Trump, soon to be Vanessa Hayden once the ink is dry on her divorce from Donald Trump Jr., was once attached to a Hollywood heartthrob. Sleuths have uncovered the fact that Vanessa was Leonardo DiCaprio’s beau in 1998 during the time Titanic came out. Though the publicist officially denied it at the time, several photos show them getting very cozy. You can read more via Elite Daily here.


We pull the best questions posted on The Textpert App and BlackPeopleMeet.com, including:

  • What to do if the guy you just had sex with got back together with his girlfriend
  • How to feel about pets in the room while you’re having sex
  • What to do if you’re in it for love but he’s in it for sex

And many more . . .


We asked Tyomi and Naim for their lightning fast love advice in an installment of Dating Dot Dot Dot:

  • Who pays on a date?
  • Is it acceptable for a woman to be the breadwinner in a relationship?
  • Is it OK for a woman to propose?